Where Are My Keys?!

It is the number one cry in America on any given morning.  Without keys, your life stops. You are stuck in one place, racing against the clock and feeling your blood pressure rise. Every possible disaster is perched to pour down on you within minutes of the lost keys.  You can rail against the idiocy [...]

Where Are My Keys?!2022-04-11T23:36:25-05:00

Do One Hard Thing

Do one hard thing every day.  Some days that may just mean getting up from the couch without using your arms!  Other days you may be ready for a bigger challenge, something you may define as “hard” like cleaning out a closet or weeding out your filing cabinet. Researcher Angela Duckworth writes about this in her book, Grit. Her research reveals that “that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a special blend of passion and persistence.“ Read more

Do One Hard Thing2022-04-11T17:31:16-05:00
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