Do One Hard Thing

Do one hard thing every day.  Some days that may just mean getting up from the couch without using your arms!  Other days you may be ready for a bigger challenge, something you may define as “hard” like cleaning out a closet or weeding out your filing cabinet. Researcher Angela Duckworth writes about this in her book, Grit. Her research reveals that “that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a special blend of passion and persistence.“ Read more

Do One Hard Thing2022-04-11T17:31:16-05:00

She Had File Envy

Who says paperwork is not sexy?!  This week, I was so impressed (and even charmed) by the paperwork and systems of a couple clients. I was even a little envious. When you keep things simple, it’s much easier to keep them organized. Envy is a signal for something that I want. I became a professional organizer because of envy, but that’s a story for another time. Read more

She Had File Envy2022-04-11T17:31:16-05:00

Our Love/Hate Relationship with Paper

OK, so here we are, three months into the new year, and you know you want to get organized! Let’s talk about paper—everyone’s nemesis—and yet somehow, we can’t let it go.  Even I, with all my online accounts—still want the phone and electric companies to send me a paper bill.  That way, in case I disappear from the face of the earth—someone will see that I have bills to pay, and that yes, I did exist! Read more

Our Love/Hate Relationship with Paper2022-04-11T17:31:16-05:00
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