About andrea@organizingwisdom.com

Professional organizer serving Westchester and Fairfield Counties

Take Baby Steps

Losing weight, saving money or getting organized are about mindset.  Firstly, you have to recognize that just like our bodies needing a rest and reboot every night, so does our mindset.  You need to think about your goals, adjust your settings and make a move towards getting there.  I suggest doing it in baby steps... Read More...

Take Baby Steps2022-04-11T17:31:17-05:00

Why Smart People Get Stuck When Organizing

I didn't go to college to learn how to organize!  If I'm so smart, then why can't I do this!? I used to be organized, until I had kids! That's what people tell me when I meet them for the first time.  Usually, these feeling are expressed with some frustration and bewilderment.  There's a couple of issues at play here. The first is situational. Many people are organized until they reach a critical mass of demands on their time. It's easier to be organized when it's just you, your stuff and your life. Read More...

Why Smart People Get Stuck When Organizing2018-05-04T16:42:00-05:00

Beware the Flotsam!

Last week I spent three hours cleaning out two kitchen cupboards. Not my cupboards, but the cupboards of my 80 year old client Deborah in Scarsdale.  I was called in because Deborah is under daughter’s orders NOT to climb the step ladder!  So I climbed the step ladder Read More....

Beware the Flotsam!2022-04-11T17:31:17-05:00

Trust Your Gut

My 16 year old asked for the car keys this morning.  My heart stopped. Yesterday he passed his road test, today he wants to drive to school.  I think OK, maybe … scanning my brain for objections.  Read More...

Trust Your Gut2018-03-26T18:10:44-05:00

Grateful to Organize

As a professional organizer, you would assume that I am passionate about organizing. I am not. I am passionate about people. Given the choice between being at home and dealing with my own piles or going to Pleasantville and sorting out Mrs. Martin’s closet, I will chose Mrs. Martin and her closet every time. Read More...

Grateful to Organize2022-04-11T17:31:17-05:00
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